Repurposing your marketing materials and social media posts is a great way to save time and resources while reaching new audiences. It can be a valuable strategy for many, but there are a few steps you should take if you decide to take this approach. While working on your content – always be authentic.
Evaluate your existing content – Look at your old content and identify pieces that have performed well in the past and that are still relevant in your industry.
Consider new content formats – Sometimes, your content just needs a new medium! If you had content in an eblast that did well with your audience three months ago, maybe it’s time to share it in a blog post or a LinkedIn article.
Update your content – Make sure your content is up-to-date and relevant to your target audience. Update any statistics or data that is no longer accurate, and ensure the topic is still relevant in your industry.
Share on different social media channels – Use your social media channels to promote your refreshed content and reach new audiences. Try posting your repurposed content to platforms you haven’t shared before!
Measure your success – Keep track of your results, review your analytics to measure the performance of your content, and adjust your approach as needed.
Recycling your best content and marketing materials can be an extremely effective way to maximize your reach and heighten your impact on your industry. You can reach new audiences and save time and resources! Keep in mind that the key to repurposing your content is to be intentional in what you post. If you keep your audience’s interests and high-quality content in the front of your mind, you can create an effective and sustainable content strategy for your business!